Mineral Buffet Consumption Totals Month by Month

This page will track consumption each month and total it in pounds so we can get an idea of our herd’s consumption on a longer term basis.  Unlike the monthly totals that display in ounces, this one shows totals in pounds.

I have Nigerian Dwarf goats and standard sized sheep so to keep this consistent and easy to read, the total number of animals will count each sheep as 2 Nigerian Dwarf goats.  For example, as I write this in July 2022, we have 11 adult ND does, 6 ND kids, 4 adult ND bucks, 6 adult sheep and 3 lambs.  For simplicity, I will count this as 39 animals. Continue reading “Mineral Buffet Consumption Totals Month by Month”

Mineral Buffet Consumption Totals for May 2022

This table tracks the amount of each mineral, in ounces, that I have either put into the mineral buffet feeders or into the small jars I keep at the farthest feeder from the barn.  Over time, this will indicate overall consumption levels but does not itself indicate how much was consumed in a given time because they still have to consume the ounces I’ve indicated here.

These are the numbers for May.  The total will not be updated until the end of the month but I will input the data at the end of each week where I have anything to track. Continue reading “Mineral Buffet Consumption Totals for May 2022”

Mineral Buffet Consumption Totals for April 2022

This is the beginning of a project to track exact totals of the individual minerals my herd is consuming in the mineral buffet.  We began April with 12 does, 4 bucks and 21 kids.  Kids go home this month, so we end April with 12 does, 4 bucks and 8 kids.  We also have 6 hair sheep ewes and 3 lambs consuming mineral from the buffet.  We have two feeders and all animals are rotationally accessing them both, so I’m putting total consumption here without differentiating between groups.  Also in April, I refilled the mineral feeder that had not been in use for a bit.  I fill small containers and store them out at this feeder since it’s a ways from the barn, so the totals here reflect filling those jars, but not actual consumption.  It will balance out over time and is easier than tracking consumption out of the jars into the feeders. Continue reading “Mineral Buffet Consumption Totals for April 2022”