I used to do all the tricks you hear about to force my goats to do what I wanted. Coming from a cattle background, the entire process of “working cows” is nothing but trauma for the animal and it took a while to learn a different way.
Now, I cringe when I read people advising hobbling, tying, or other force measures to milk a goat. I did those things too, until I learned how to do it differently in a way that requires no head gates, no locking or forcing (energetically it’s not much different than rape, is it?), just free will.
Instead of looking at it as a battle of wills, I began to approach it as a business transaction where I am a paying customer, exchanging my really yummy grain for their really yummy milk. The pay is equal to the milk – as long as I’m milking, I’m paying in grain. I don’t limit what they consume and I don’t fret if they’re ‘eating too much,’ because the universe has abundance for us all and my income has a habit of increasing to fill the need to ensure we have all our needs met. A spiritual tangent I’m happy to go down one day. 😁 Continue reading “Non Coercive Milking: A Force Free, Peaceful Milking Process” →