DOB: 2/4/19
ADGA ID: D2031150
Color: Cream; moonspots.
S: SGCH Urban Acres ASD Aurora Polaris
SS: Algedi Farm MH Space Dust +*B VVV 85
SD: GCH Urban Acres UG Blue Sky 2*M +EEV 87
D: SGCH Urban Acres WC Rainy Day 2*M VEEE 90
DD: SG Copper Peny Blue Eyed Susan 1*M
DS: AGS NC Promisedland HS White Cloud (2013 Premiere Sire)
Extended Pedigree
Space Dust sired Urban Acres ASD Fairey, 5th place 2019 Nationals 4 year old and SGCH Urban Acres ASD Aurora, full sister to Aurora Polaris (this buck’s sire) and 2nd place 2019 Nationals 5 & 6 year old. Urban Acres ranked 5th for ND Dairy Herd and Best 3 Senior Does at Nationals this year too. We are excited and honored to introduce these bloodlines into our herd. Thanks, Urban Acres, for the opportunity!
Photos courtesy of Urban Acres Farm.