We’re still in the early stages of being 100% kibble free and making our own dog food, so I’ll continue to update this post as the details become clearer.
Prior to making the switch, we were spending $4.55 per day for dog food, which gives us quite a bit of cost to work with. If we pay the same amount but feed them homemade food instead, I’d count it a win for the health benefits.
How Much To Feed Per Day?
Juliette de Bairacli Levy says a healthy collie adult should eat 2 pounds per day with this method. Collies average 60 pounds full grown. Our four dogs average 66 pounds, but LGDs eat less for their weight than other dogs their size. We’ve been averaging about 6 pounds of kibble per day (fed free choice) before switching so I’m basing our current rations on that and will adjust both the ration and this article if things change considerably. Levy also mentions dogs eat less on this diet than on an “unnatural diet.”
Continue reading “Cost of Making Homemade Dog Food”